Chiropractic & Acupuncture
Holistic Chiropractic Care
Our body is constantly bombarded with stress- physically, emotionally and chemically. When the amount of stress is too much for our body to deal with, there becomes an imbalance and our body signals to us through symptoms such as pain, digestive distress, fatigue and imbalanced moods.
The goal of the gentle chiropractic care provided at Whole Health & Wellness in St. Louis is to decrease the effects of stress on your body and increase your ability to adapt to these stressors so you may experience optimal health.
This is done through gentle chiropractic adjustments. These can be performed using the thrust that has become the typical image of chiropractic, but there are more gentle alternatives. Dr. Caroline uses low force adjustment techniques including Activator, or instrument assisted, and Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT), which are gentle and safe for patients of any age and condition.
Dr. Caroline recognizes that the body works as an interconnected system and that it is important to check not only the area of pain but the whole body. The spinal nerves are involved with most of the functions in your body including breathing, digestion, and your immune system, as well as skin sensation and muscle function. If an area of your spine is not moving properly it can have a major impact on your body. Similarly, if there is an issue in an organ or system of your body it can cause dysfunction in your spine.
As a holistic physician, if you come to Dr. Caroline for muscle or joint pain she will also check how that dysfunction has affected the rest of your body. Or if you come to her for a systemic condition she will also treat your spine. Dr. Caroline provides adjustments for your whole spine because your body functions together with each part affecting other parts.
How do we determine the areas to work on?
Clinical Kinesiology is a holistic approach that uses manual muscle testing in addition to standard diagnostic methods to analyze the structural, chemical, and emotional systems of your body. Dr. Caroline uses manual muscle testing (kinesiology) to determine specific areas of stress within your body, and to determine the personalized treatment that will have the greatest results for your condition.
When an area of stress is located, the manual muscle test will reveal a weak muscle because the stressors within your body interfere with your nervous system's ability to send uninterrupted signals to and from your brain. Once the appropriate treatments are applied, the muscle that originally tested weak will become strong.
Through kinesiology Dr. Caroline evaluates your entire body and how it is functioning as a complete system.
Acupuncture Treatments
Acupuncture involves the gentle insertion of sterile, fine acupuncture needles into specific anatomical points on the body. The purpose of the treatment is to create balance within the body thereby enhancing and supporting health and healing. This balance is based on the twelve primary meridians, or energy channels of the human body.
Acupuncture can be used to alleviate the symptoms associated with many conditions, from musculoskeletal and immune system dysfunctions to allergic reactions. Acupressure works much like acupuncture, except that the points are treated through the external application of pressure instead of needles.
Acupuncture has been accepted by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an effective treatment for a number of conditions.
Dr. Caroline's patients come to her when they have many different health concerns because she can often offer a non-invasive, natural treatment for health problems that would otherwise involve medications or surgery. Many of her patients have resolved conditions that their primary doctors could not provide sustainable long term solutions for such as:
food sensitivities
chronic fatigue
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
acid reflux
allergies & more